
Melissa has been modeling/acting since she was 5 yo. Has been a bit less active during the past couple of years but now really wants to get back to it. Has done modeling for Centrepoint and Nuego Fashion, two ads for Ellington Properties, extra work for Etisalat etc.
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 7
  • Based In: United Arab Emirates
  • Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Hair Color: Other
  • Hair Type: Wavy
  • Hair Length: Long
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Height: 126 CM
  • weight: 22 KG
  • Bust: 63 CM
  • Waist: 63 CM
  • Chest: 63 CM
  • Hips: 65 CM
  • Dress: XS EU
  • Languages: Italian, English, Finnish
  • Dialects: American English